All Community created Funds

Spring Bud Project Fund
1 nonprofit
Spring Bud Project Fund
In 1989, under the leadership of All China Women's Federation (ACWF), China Children and Teenagers’Fund (CCTF) launched, organized and carried out the Spring Bud Project,which is a social welfare program mobilizing social forces to help dropout girls return to school and to improve teaching conditions in poverty-stricken areas. The project has played an important role in assisting the government in developing the welfare education for the needy children. In the past 20 years, the Chinese Government has been continuously concerned with the Spring Bud Project and people from all walks of life have generously donated for the project. The Spring Bud Project has been keeping up with the times and innovating constantly. The project involves a series of welfare actions, including "Student Aid Action”, “Talents Cultivation Action”, “ Employment Action", "Special Action in Caring for Left-behind Children" and “Bud Protection Action”. Beneficiaries from the project and the derived actions expanded from girls of nine-year compulsory education to girls of high schools and colleges, from rural poor children to left-behind and migrant children, from vocational education and training of elder girls to professional training of school teachers, and from educational aid to care for physical and psychological safety for school girls. As the scope of the project has become diversified, the area of the funding has been expanding and the beneficiary has been broadening. The Spring Bud Project has gradually established an overall aid system of education, safety and health for children, especially for girls. So far, the Spring Bud Project has aided more than 3.69 million poverty-stricken girls to return to school, built 1,811 Spring Bud schools, vocational education and training for more than 527,000 girls, and compiled 2.17 million safety manuals for school girls. A large number of “Spring Bud” students have become professionals in society, who are contributing their intelligence and talents to urban modernization of China.
2021福島・宮城地震被害への寄付/Donations for the 2021 Fukushima-Miyagi Earthquake Fund
2 nonprofits
2021福島・宮城地震被害への寄付/Donations for the 2021 Fukushima-Miyagi Earthquake Fund
2021年2月13日に発生したマグニチュード7.3の地震で、福島エリア、宮城エリアを中心に大きな被害が出ました。そこで、日本の災害支援を行ってるNPOへ寄付をするためにこのキャンペーンを立ち上げました。 現在、私たちが住んでいる日本も含めて、世界中でボランティアや支援を必要としている人たちがいます。このような難しい局面である時こそ、私達のConscious Culture (自己理解、他者への理解、自分が他者(チーム、お客様、より大きなコミュニティー)にもたらす影響に常に目を向け理解し、意図的に行動することにより最高の体験を生み出す)を体現し、サポートを必要としている人たちを支援していきましょう。 he magnitude 7.3 earthquake that occurred on February 13, 2021 caused a lot of damage mainly in Fukushima area and Miyagi area. So, we launched this campaign to make donations to NPOs that are providing disaster relief in Japan. Currently, there are people all over the world, including our own Japan, who are in need of volunteers and support. In these difficult times, we need to embody our Conscious Culture (self-awareness, understanding of others, always looking at and understanding the impact we have on others (our team, our customers, the larger community), and acting intentionally to create the best possible experience) and help those in need. Let's help those who need support.