Soi Dog Foundation Usa

Soi Dog Foundation Usa

1321 Upland Drive, Suite 3905, Houston, TX, 77043, US

Soi Dog Foundation USA Supports the public education, animal protection and animal welfare programs of the Soi Dog Foundation based in Thailand. The purpose of Soi Dog Foundation USA is to provide information and education to the American public on the plight of animals in and around Thailand and the efforts of the Soi Dog Foundation to prevent and eliminate animal cruelty, provide medical care, sterilization (spay and neuter) and support the Foundation's other animal care projects. In addition to providing information and education, Soi Dog Foundation USA solicits financial donations from the American public that are forwarded to Soi Dog Foundation Thailand in support of their mission.The mission of Soi Dog Thailand is providing for, and promoting animal welfare.

Unique Identification271600444