Naked Heart Foundation

Naked Heart Foundation

Petrovka 16, Moscow, ,, , , RU

Unique IdentificationKPP 526001001

Our mission is to help build an inclusive society that is open to people with disabilities and special needs, through encouraging play and creation of free support services for affected families.

We aim to ensure that no child with living parents ends up in an orphanage or a children’s home. We are working to tackle the stigma of disability, so that no parent feels pressured to give up a disabled child. And we’re working with families who have made the challenging decision to keep their disabled child at home, in order to give them free access to a full range of services and the support of specialists who are familiar with international best practices and modern technologies.

We want every child to have access to a vibrant, safe and stimulating place to play. Every neighbourhood, children’s hospital and children’s home should have a modern play area that is suitable for all children, whatever their physical abilities. We believe that play is a necessity, not a luxury – and that is why we are turning empty wastelands and grey cityscapes into beautiful places to play. We believe that truly helping children requires the input of society as a whole, and that by helping to bring about reform we will be able to improve the life of each and every child. We believe that if each of us contributes even the tiniest amount to a common cause, our children’s lives can be transformed