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ToolBox Genomics Human Rights Fund


At Toolbox Genomics, we believe that all people have the right to live in freedom and with dignity and equal opportunity.

Your Donation Supports

Center for Victims of Torture

The mission of the Center for Victims of Torture is to heal the wounds of torture on individuals, their families and their communities and to stop torture worldwide.


CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. We place special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty. Women are at the heart of CARE's community-based efforts to improve basic education, prevent the spread of HIV, increase access to clean water and sanitation, expand economic opportunity and protect natural resources. CARE also delivers emergency aid to survivors of war and natural disasters, and helps people rebuild their lives.

Fund for Global Human Rights

Around the world, there is an urgent need for a sustained defense of human rights. In Sub-Saharan Africa, armed conflicts have destroyed countless communities and lives. In North Africa and South Asia, many governments are using the "war against terrorism" as a green light to repress dissent, harass human rights defenders, and subvert or ignore human rights standards. In Latin America and indeed, in nearly every region of the world increased demand for raw materials or land has led corporations and corrupt governments to displace or ignore communities living on those lands. Increasingly, local human rights advocates have emerged as leading voices to challenge these human rights abuses and to press for lasting change. On-the-ground human rights defenders see problems as they unfold, respond immediately, offer practical solutions, and provide ongoing vigilance in the fight against abuse. These local human rights activists are critical to the future of human rights and to sustaining the gains of the past. Despite the importance of their work, many local human rights groups have little access to the financial resources and other support that would amplify their voices and increase their impact. Just over six years ago, a handful of U.S. and Europe-based human rights funders launched the Fund for Global Human Rights as a way of driving more financial resources toward these local activists. The Fund is founded on the belief that securing basic dignity and freedom for people worldwide requires that front-line organizations challenge abuse wherever it occurs. The Fund finds and funds local human rights heroes" who often work at great personal risk" to strengthen and bring global attention and resources to their struggles.

ToolBox Genomics Human Rights Fund

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Human Rights
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