Why Handwashing Needs to be a Priority in the Global Goals

Provide Clean Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Fund


Oh how wrong I was. There were countless germs on my hands that I couldn’t see, and they were a threat to my health. But I had it easy. I could walk into my bathroom down the hall, wash my hands, and be ready to go.
Unlike me, many children all over the world don’t have access to clean water and soap to wash their hands, and they are at greater risk for serious illnesses that are far worse than a cold.

Worldwide, 650 million people don’t have the clean water they need to drink, bathe, cook or wash. Could you imagine having to drink dirty water? Or wash your hands with it? You wouldn’t feel clean. More likely than not, you wouldn’t be healthy either.

On September 25th world leaders are poised to agree on a new global initiative called the Global Goals. These outline a plan to reduce poverty, advance education, create gender equality, improve global partnerships and build a more just and environmentally stable world for the next 15 years. They sound lofty, but they are doable.

With your help we can ensure that these goals live up to their aspirations, transforming lives on a scale never before seen.

The Global Goals address the need for clean water and toilets – the basic amenities that everyone everywhere should have – but simple hygiene services, like handwashing, needs to be included too! It’s an important action that could prevent life-threatening illnesses and save lives.

Join us this week as we ask world leaders to transform millions of lives by including a way to measure progress on improved handwashing and hygiene in the new Global Goals. Sign the petition now or find us at the Global Citizen Festival to sign the petition live and in person at the WaterAid booth in Pen 6.

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