Safe Passage is teaching adults like Josefa to read

Improve Education FundGuatemala City
March 19, 2014

Safe Passage

When Josefa was little her parents died, making it impossible for her to go to school as she needed to start working. Today, Josefa is a fifty nine year old single mother who has 5 grown children and eight grandchildren. Two of her children are no longer in communication with her, leaving her to raise their 3 children (her grandchildren). Having never learned to read or write, Josefa did what she could to earn money scavenging in the garbage dump.

She continuously struggled to provide enough food for herself and her grandchildren. Four years ago, she began attending the Adult Literacy program at Safe Passage, and today she is in Sexto Primaria (7th grade) studying so she can help her grandchildren with their homework. Through her participation in the Safe Passage Adult Literacy program, Josefa has also been eligible to participate in the “Family of Women” Social Entrepreneurship program making recycled towels, and collecting plastic bags and newspapers to sell, generating a modest income. Despite persistent health issues, Josefa is committed to the Adult Literacy classes, and doing what she can to improve her grandchildren’s lives, and to help others around her. Her biggest dream is to see her granddaughter become a doctor. Josefa is a positive role model in her community.

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