Don David Marquez: A Success Story for Coffee Farmers in Overcoming the “Thin Months”

Alleviate Poverty and Promote Economic Growth Fund
May 05, 2016


Don David Marquez holds out a giant zucchini – cut right then from a lush, green row of vegetation. Cabbage, radish, and tomato plants stretch all around him as he walks the rows lined with narrow tubes supplying water directly to the plants.

Don David is a coffee farmer. He has been his whole life. But, the “thin months” forced him to start thinking outside of the box. Honduras is one of the leading producers and exporters of coffee world-wide. One particular region of Honduras, Marcala, is known for its high-quality coffee production, but many farmers in this region are struggling to combat drought and disease.

After the coffee harvest, farmers experience 8 months – known as the “thin months” – in which they must survive on the earnings from their coffee harvest. These months are particularly difficult due to prolonged dry seasons, and a fungus called “coffee rust” that cripples crops and harvests by nearly 50%.

Don David’s crop was not spared by the coffee rust. However, the “thin months” for Don David were not so thin. Working with iDE, Don David was able to diversify his crops – and his income. This diversification shielded him from severe business pains when coffee rust hit his crop.

When the dry season lasted longer than expected, Don David was able to effectively manage water scarcity by using drip irrigation – a system of tubes that supply small amounts of water directly to the plant. This technology, sold through iDeal – a social enterprise of iDE, is a key strategy is managing water and minimizing crop loss.

Don David proudly shows off his farm and its bounty to visitors and neighbors. His farm has become a model in the community – teaching others sustainable and efficient ways of getting through the “thin months.”

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