CSC designed new tools to help people with metastatic skin cancers

Improve Global Health FundUnited States
March 11, 2014

Cancer Support Community

The Cancer Support Community is launching new resources to give patients and caregivers access to information and resources about metastatic melanoma and advanced basal cell carcinoma- two very different skin cancers. Frankly Speaking About Cancer: Advanced Skin Cancers includes up-to-date online content, fact sheets about resources. It reviews the latest treatment options, possible side effects, questions to ask your health team and things they need to know about your care, as well as steps you might consider better to cope with the disease.

Skin Cancer accounts for half of all cancers in the United States. The most common source of which is exposure to the sun or ultraviolet rays, but other causes also exist. If found early, skin cancer is usually cured, but once it has metastasized, this is not the case.

One particular form of skin cancer- Melanoma – is the most likely to metastasize. Recently, several drugs have been approved for the first time in a decade, which means that some people with melanoma will be able to live longer and better lives.

New treatments are advancing quickly, but experts and advocates still say that it is imperative to find a doctor who specializes in one’s specific skin cancer and it is important to learn about all options for treatment before making a decision.

Typical concerns with metastatic disease typically include:

  • How treatments effect them, their families and livelihoods

  • Need for support (emotional and spiritual)

  • Financials

  • Meaning of diagnosis and effectiveness of treatment

  • The Cancer Support Community provides the help and support needed when feeling overwhelmed

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